The Gift of Discontent: The Key to Contentment
Many people do not realize that their discontent is one of their mind’s and body’s greatest gifts to them. We are most often taught that the feeling of discontent should be stuffed down and repressed, ignored and forgotten, until it seemingly goes away.
But the problem is, that it never goes away…
At least, not on its own. Discontent has a way of rearing its annoying head no matter how much we try to ignore it. It may seem to go away for a short while, only for it to come back with a vengeance.
So if ignoring and repressing the feeling of discontent doesn’t make that discontent go away, what does?
It may seem counterintuitive, but embracing your discontent is actually the only way to make it go away.
When our bodies send us signals of hunger pains or thirstiness, we understand that isn’t our body simply being imbalanced or in pain for the sake of it; we don’t just ignore those unpleasant feelings/signals in hopes they go away, these are signals from our bodies to our brains that our bodies need something, and we listen to these signals and give our bodies nourishment or water in response. You should similarly give your mind and body what it needs in response to its emotional and mental distress signals that you’ve been taught to ignore.
Because we have all been taught to ignore our emotional and mental distress signals, most of us do not even know what they look like or how to respond to them, let alone see them for the gifts that they are. Most of us are told that these signals have nothing to do with our actual lives and are simply symptoms of being alive, instead of being taught how to listen to these signals/messengers, and learn how to respond to them.
As your healer and guide, I will be with you every step of the way as I help you identify discontent in your life, teach you how to respond to your body and mind’s signals of discontent, empower you to make hard decisions that will lead to your path of contentment, and equip you with the tools needed to establish long-standing contentment and sovereignty.